Sunday, July 10, 2011

A new clearity

I have spent 7 months trying to find anyone who could understand or get me. Well I found several. We are Crystal Children. They all say the same things I think, and I feel them to be like identical twins. I thought that lonely feeling I have always had my entire life was going to be over. I thought I found my family. I found more pain and lonelyness. Even though we are the same have the same thoughts and visions how to fix things. Even though they say they are all about unconditional love. I feel they think since I was born transsexual they feel me to be not worth the time. A crazy person! They claim to be crystal children however if they think they have the right to choose the lagitamacy of my exsistance I say they are not. I have found no unconditional love anywhere in my efforts other than my dog. Every one of them say they want to meet and talk with other Crystal Children and help us find our own ways. I tried to take them for there word. Once again I am sent back to the gutter. They have ego's and do not see them. It is so sad when we think we do have all the answers. That is how we rob ourselves of the real truth. If there is one thing I know that is the fact that I do not know and with that I leave the possibilities open to enlightenment behond the horizon in a universe made of endless possibilities. Within a universe of endless possibilities I see both irrelivent and impossible "to" know. If they had never said the earth was flat it would have just became a round truth when needed.
 My new clearity is the fact that I am not here to do anything but obsurve what needs to happen here. I am the most hated bottom class citizen in America today. To throw labels at me we could say I am a transsexual, lesbian, anarcist, antichrist, punkrock, Crystal Child. I have felt the brunt of pain from the gutter of misunderstanding and abuse to analise what must be done.

 In ancient civilizations that thrived on happiness and well being by being in contact with nature and the high spirits that encarnated themselves to earth to guild us and teach us to live in harmony with nature. For this they where respected at the tops of these civilizations because they where the survival of the civilization. Without there impecable insight into balance and nature, people would just lived disconected  from nature and destroyed themselves and all around. Well some bad people new this and decided to irradicate any civilization that used these spirit guilds that have been encarnated into human form. This would leave and opening for the oppressed to look for leadership. Create the problem then offer the only solution. If people feel helpless and hopeless they will give in and surrender.  However the volonteer work of the high spirits comes with a severe price to most of them. They had to come in a male body as a female spirit or vice vursa. This would cause and inner war inside them that causes constant pain untill they find a release in the spirit relm where they get there Shaman abilities. These bad guys irradicated them and anyone leftover scared for there life and compliant to the beasts that came and terrorised them could live. The most compliant became kings and they answered to the Vatican instead of nature. After forced religion came. (Everywhere they spread it) famine, starvation, war, social class, suffering of all earths inhabitants around them. It is just the way it is. I am not blaming anyone.
 In the 1700s is when they really went crazy. They knew there where people healing and in touch with the earth all over so they found them too. The same thing happened to them because at this point they are very good at it and have been doing it for thousands of years. They got them too. They knew how to find them and went straight to them. It is a geometric paturn of the earth that points the the earths chakra points. Just sail to those points and irradicate the civilization. All in the name of the "God" the Vatican uses. Hawaii is one of them. So is the bermuda triangle. Now let me ask you, Why did Columbus and Americus sail directly to the Bermuda triangle? Secret societies have known this and want the land and monuments they built on it. They want to harness the power of them to bring power and control from you to them. They own banks , production companies, multi billion doller coorperations, are our and other presidents, actors, and live at the top of the social class. Keeping you in the dark and in there servitude.
 They are about to pull the carpet out from under everyone waiting for Santa and bring complete totalitarian hell if people choose to not stop them. The only thing that can save you from this is self discovery, service to others, forgiveness , unconditional love. How do we stop them? Do things backwards! We have been a society trained to view our saviors,  the voice and balance of nature ,  high spitits on a volunteer to help here and they are hated for being here. Transsexuals are masters like no other of self discovery as well as the other things. Our IQ's are at least 30 points above the national avarage unanimously amongst us.

 Unconditional love is loving all the way to the bottom and not choose to cut it off somewhere in the middle you find convenient. Anyone who cannot find it in them to love that in which they despise will be left behind to live in detainment inside prison cities. I am sorry but nature has decided you cannot rome the planet freely to do as you wish anymore.

 The earth is an organism. There are cells on that organism that have decided to go rouge on there host and do as they wish. When cells do this to our bodies we call it cancer. Then we try to kill the cancer. Because we want to live. Would I be irrational to assume the earth wants to do the same thing. The earth is the universe and that is connected to our creator. Therefore in connection we are the creators of our own world.  I concider myself to be the earth and have cancer. I want it gone one way or another. If the people cannot wake up and listen to the Shamen I sent them then they will have to be detained in prison cities and leave the rest of the earth to no human zones. As I am speaking for the Earth I am so glad to have my Illuminati back up plan if the people think I am going to allow them to be cancer. I will heal in the new age one way or another and it is for the people to choose. Love or fear. The only way to ascend away from here is to truly understan duality. Understanding duality is why you are here in the first place. So get with the program Ma Biacha's!

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