Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ignorant narsasistic bastards

I had to start a place to write. Been going to the church. Not because I need to releave myself from guilt but to analize the words of my sworn enemy. All those who appose all you can see, taste, smell , touch, hear, as creation, and give credit to there atributes outside themselves.
Today the testosterone driven narsasist started by convincing everyone all of us there are better than athiests. Aperantly athiests do not care how they live because they have no fear of god. If you are not a moron you know this is nothing more than bigotry and there are plenty of atrocities people with the fear in god in them have commited. I watch the bigots sit there nodding there heads with smiles in agreement that they are better than others. Most the others are surching for guidance. For them I pitty there weak minds and want to help them. I even see the pain in people and know the answers sometimes they are looking for but I know they do not want the real answers.
 All I saw was testosterone getting off on people looking up at "IT". Oh and god needs a tone of money. I am woman and an antichrist!