Friday, July 29, 2011

the people will get what they create

In a dream or a nightmare
When love gives way to hate
The quest begins
For the keys to the seven gates
Ride the wings of a locust
See the wizard cast his spell
Search for the keys to
The seven gates of Hell

In Heavens Hell
Where all evil dwells
And man and beast are one
Conceiled to all
Reveiled to none
Lie those infernal gates
Thoses damned infernal gates

The seven gates of Hell

Hear the cry of the zombie
Raid the body of its soul
The quest for the sacred keys
Has become its goal
Steal the wings of a hydra
Take the sword from the sacred shrine
The strength of the beast
Take the sinners mind

Unveiled in death to the sinner
Written in the ancient book of lies
Hear the demons call
>From the crimson waterfall
As the blood rains from the skies

When realities a dream
And every lie is true
In the day when you are me
And the night when I am you

When the flame of life grows cold
We chime the silent bell
And the unborn child is old
The seven gates of Hell

Going through the gates of Hell!

Oh, in Heavens Hell
So many died in vein
They never lived, their tales to tell
None shall find the keys
To set their spirits free
>From the seven gates of Hell
The seven gates
The seven gates
The seven gates...

The seven gates of Hell

I hear the creatures crawling
Oh let me out of here
Don't keep me locked away like this
ohh... nooo......

Friday, July 15, 2011

Clarice the Coconut Tree

 Why doesn't everyone else talk to trees? They can teach us so much. When I was sitting there and the kids where playing I asked a Coconut tree if she had anything to say. Well , she said. If you take a good look at me you will see I am great, beautiful, and offer and abundance of love. Look at my past. As you can see I have done very well for myself. It is how I have decided to think and live. If I decided to live back there I would be nothing more than a grey trunk of past memories. Kinda sad. So there is nothing in living in my past but to achive sadness. Loook into my future. It is all dreams asperastions, goals, desires. It is good to have dreams but if I decided to live there I would be a grey trunk that acomplishes living in a dream. Still sad and no perpose to being. So I have decided to live in the now and have done that my entire life. There is nothing in the now but accomplishments. I am a grand beauty of offerings and love this way and have a great purpose being. My frawns are grand and a beautiful sight to see. I add color to the world instead of my grey past. My children are the life saving supurfood offering to you of my unconditional love for you. The ones you do not want to eat can become just like me where you place them. There is no other higfher electrolight source than my water. My meat is full of healthy fats and protiens. You can press milk from it with those same properties. I give you the propper balance of omegas. I can clean you out too if you need too. The list goes on.
So be like me and you too will be an offering of love and acomplishments for the earth and inhabitants as well. If You choose to live in the past all is sad, live in the future all is dreams, live in the now all is acomplished and love eminates and heals.

So I said Wow! Thanks Clarice! You are so smart, I am going to do that to make your words worth it. That is the last and most important offering she has for us and didn't even have the ego to mention it.
We need to all make Clarice proud of us.
 Love you, 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A new clearity

I have spent 7 months trying to find anyone who could understand or get me. Well I found several. We are Crystal Children. They all say the same things I think, and I feel them to be like identical twins. I thought that lonely feeling I have always had my entire life was going to be over. I thought I found my family. I found more pain and lonelyness. Even though we are the same have the same thoughts and visions how to fix things. Even though they say they are all about unconditional love. I feel they think since I was born transsexual they feel me to be not worth the time. A crazy person! They claim to be crystal children however if they think they have the right to choose the lagitamacy of my exsistance I say they are not. I have found no unconditional love anywhere in my efforts other than my dog. Every one of them say they want to meet and talk with other Crystal Children and help us find our own ways. I tried to take them for there word. Once again I am sent back to the gutter. They have ego's and do not see them. It is so sad when we think we do have all the answers. That is how we rob ourselves of the real truth. If there is one thing I know that is the fact that I do not know and with that I leave the possibilities open to enlightenment behond the horizon in a universe made of endless possibilities. Within a universe of endless possibilities I see both irrelivent and impossible "to" know. If they had never said the earth was flat it would have just became a round truth when needed.
 My new clearity is the fact that I am not here to do anything but obsurve what needs to happen here. I am the most hated bottom class citizen in America today. To throw labels at me we could say I am a transsexual, lesbian, anarcist, antichrist, punkrock, Crystal Child. I have felt the brunt of pain from the gutter of misunderstanding and abuse to analise what must be done.

 In ancient civilizations that thrived on happiness and well being by being in contact with nature and the high spirits that encarnated themselves to earth to guild us and teach us to live in harmony with nature. For this they where respected at the tops of these civilizations because they where the survival of the civilization. Without there impecable insight into balance and nature, people would just lived disconected  from nature and destroyed themselves and all around. Well some bad people new this and decided to irradicate any civilization that used these spirit guilds that have been encarnated into human form. This would leave and opening for the oppressed to look for leadership. Create the problem then offer the only solution. If people feel helpless and hopeless they will give in and surrender.  However the volonteer work of the high spirits comes with a severe price to most of them. They had to come in a male body as a female spirit or vice vursa. This would cause and inner war inside them that causes constant pain untill they find a release in the spirit relm where they get there Shaman abilities. These bad guys irradicated them and anyone leftover scared for there life and compliant to the beasts that came and terrorised them could live. The most compliant became kings and they answered to the Vatican instead of nature. After forced religion came. (Everywhere they spread it) famine, starvation, war, social class, suffering of all earths inhabitants around them. It is just the way it is. I am not blaming anyone.
 In the 1700s is when they really went crazy. They knew there where people healing and in touch with the earth all over so they found them too. The same thing happened to them because at this point they are very good at it and have been doing it for thousands of years. They got them too. They knew how to find them and went straight to them. It is a geometric paturn of the earth that points the the earths chakra points. Just sail to those points and irradicate the civilization. All in the name of the "God" the Vatican uses. Hawaii is one of them. So is the bermuda triangle. Now let me ask you, Why did Columbus and Americus sail directly to the Bermuda triangle? Secret societies have known this and want the land and monuments they built on it. They want to harness the power of them to bring power and control from you to them. They own banks , production companies, multi billion doller coorperations, are our and other presidents, actors, and live at the top of the social class. Keeping you in the dark and in there servitude.
 They are about to pull the carpet out from under everyone waiting for Santa and bring complete totalitarian hell if people choose to not stop them. The only thing that can save you from this is self discovery, service to others, forgiveness , unconditional love. How do we stop them? Do things backwards! We have been a society trained to view our saviors,  the voice and balance of nature ,  high spitits on a volunteer to help here and they are hated for being here. Transsexuals are masters like no other of self discovery as well as the other things. Our IQ's are at least 30 points above the national avarage unanimously amongst us.

 Unconditional love is loving all the way to the bottom and not choose to cut it off somewhere in the middle you find convenient. Anyone who cannot find it in them to love that in which they despise will be left behind to live in detainment inside prison cities. I am sorry but nature has decided you cannot rome the planet freely to do as you wish anymore.

 The earth is an organism. There are cells on that organism that have decided to go rouge on there host and do as they wish. When cells do this to our bodies we call it cancer. Then we try to kill the cancer. Because we want to live. Would I be irrational to assume the earth wants to do the same thing. The earth is the universe and that is connected to our creator. Therefore in connection we are the creators of our own world.  I concider myself to be the earth and have cancer. I want it gone one way or another. If the people cannot wake up and listen to the Shamen I sent them then they will have to be detained in prison cities and leave the rest of the earth to no human zones. As I am speaking for the Earth I am so glad to have my Illuminati back up plan if the people think I am going to allow them to be cancer. I will heal in the new age one way or another and it is for the people to choose. Love or fear. The only way to ascend away from here is to truly understan duality. Understanding duality is why you are here in the first place. So get with the program Ma Biacha's!

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Once again! "There is two sides to everything in our universe". How could we ever learn to alude pain without even knowing it was there. We feel pain then look inside ourselves to see what happened and why. You would think with this repiticious cycle of waiting for the pain to look inside ourselves, to look inside befor the pain seems more rational in a socioety that thrives on ration. We need pain to want the opposit of it. As we learn how to alude pain we see a pattern that seems to show up in our conquest. When we are sucsessful it is because we found some path of love to combat it. Love is not pain, fear is. Love does not hurt. Lack of it does.
  Pain can be a perception imbalance. We learn to live a life unatural to us that gives us desires to strive for self gain. The perception that material makes happiness is a lie implanted into those who envy and like to think they are entitaled to what they do not deserve or accept the world is not fare. A sickness I see from perceptual markers placed by a life of television watching.  Now we have celebrity profile/upscale lifestye reality TV ( TMZ, Kardashians, Sex and city)  , internet (Perez Hiltion , TMZ), radio shows ( Howard , people who copy him). Bombardment of entertainment implanting a lifestyle of people they do not know. Drounding in These entertainments I see no way for a person to see themselves until it catches up to them like a door slam to the face. If  insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome everytime then facts tell me we have an insane society.
Maybe we should look inside ourselves before the pain makes us do it.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


We are in a war. It`s world war only. We have been at this war of "freedom of though" for thousands of years. Please tell everyone you know they should be fighting and not watching Dacing With the Stars or Destroyed un Seconds. It`s about to be showen to everyone that someone owns them. They have been practicing for thousands of years. I do not want people to suffer.
Please tell people anything you have to to enlighten them.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

It`s all about the self.

I have noticed since I was about 5 that the television doesn`t program based on how we live our lives . Instead I have seen people live their lives acording to the programing they are fed. I do not accept the brainwashing and never did. I think that is why people always laugh at me and think I am weird. I have also found out the the word govern means to control and the word ment means mind. Control- mind, Mind Control, Tevevition, Hollywood, A society that thinks they cannot live without honnering those who put them in survitude. Think what you would do without money. You think your world would fall apert don`t you? Money doesn`t even exsist. It was made up to put people who do not desurve it in control of you. You are not free! Your mind is unconscious.

 Your mind is unconscious. Take the blue pill. I cannot tell you what the matrix is you need to be shown.
There is a force throughout the universe that binds us together.
What is reality to you? Do you think when you are pinched it is reality? Are your children really yours? NO! They absolutly are not , why would you think such a horrible thing?
 They tell us the truth in tv and movies through fantacy so you automatically look at reality as fantacy and call anyone a crazy person who tries to show you. Then they make an entire world they can take control of and own. They own banks, and all major corperations. There is no ecinomic turn around. Only panic, starvation , then control after social unrest. People are also trained to not work together without money . They have segrigated minds and will not work together.

 They are " The Beast" and will emurge soon to take all in there possession and nobody will be able to hide. High tech equipment to find hiding people on satalight.

 The truth of this is unavoidable here today and it is coming. I have no fear at all and it is my wishes to have this come over the earth. It is because I have unconditional love for all universal elements and the balance of nature. Since nature made people like me and other shaman to guide our civilizations into harmony with nature . Hating us is the sin that will leave you without a choise but to pass through the hard way.

If you do not believe in your true self then you will have to have this come over you. those of you in love with the self, individual, and have love for all universal elements and forgive for anything and everything. You will be invisible.

 If you are bigoted or have had military training there may be no hope for you. try very hard to reprogram yourself. It will be very much harder for you than anyone else.

You must look very very closely to the chain reaction of events that take place from your actions. Your entire world will become what is in your head., so be very carefull what you put in it.

 I am not saying much detail because when people read this I want you to either understand and know what to do or face your fate for your sins against nature. This is real and the way out is only inside the individual. Face your fears and atrocities. If you do not know what they are,,,, Good luck. I may never post again. ( not sure) . All my past posts are full of truths and falses. If you cannot know what is real you will remain unconsious. Awaken as I have and you will see "heavan" as I do. Warning, My falses are mixed on medaphores and only the true self can translate it. I will loose the rest of you for going rouge on your natural paths. You who will see hell come over you in the 3rd dimention is because of the destruction and suffering you supported. You must feel all you have caused before you pass on.

 I will write again if I have a new clearity or feel sorry for some of you and need guidance . There should be thousands like me though. All around you. Not sure though.

Love all ,,

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What we make of it.

“Be careful what new (perceptual) markers you put into place, for these ideas and beliefs will be the stars in the new sky of your mind, and you shall navigate your way into these new times by the stars (thoughts and beliefs) that you have placed in the heavens of your own consciousness. So be wise when you go about creating new stars, our fellow navigators of the mystery.”
(not my quote)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Not my words here

I received this from a friend and if you think about it, we have a lot to learn from a dog.

Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker. The dog's owners, Ron, his wife Lisa, and their little boy Shane, were all very attached to Belker, and they were hoping for a miracle.

I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the family we couldn't do anything for Belker, and offered to perform the euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home.

As we made arrangements, Ron and Lisa told me they thought it would be good for six-year-old Shane to observe the procedure. They felt as though Shane might learn something from the experience.

The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker 's family surrounded him. Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on. Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away.

The little boy seemed to accept Belker's transition without any difficulty or confusion. We sat together for a while after Belker's Death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives.
Shane, who had been listening quietly, piped up, ''I know why.''

Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next stunned me. I'd never heard a more comforting explanation. It has changed the way I try and live.

He said, ''People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life -- like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?''
The Six-year-old continued, ''Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don't have to stay as long.''

Live simply.

Love generously.

Care deeply.

Speak kindly.

Remember, if a dog was the teacher you would learn things like:

When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.

Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.

Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure Ecstasy.

Take naps.

Stretch before rising.

Run, romp, and play daily.

Thrive on attention and let people touch you.

Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.

On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.

On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree

When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.

Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.

Be loyal.

Never pretend to be something you're not.

If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.

When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently.


Saturday, April 9, 2011

I pitty There weak minds

Your pride.......
Why should your pride be so restricted?
Restricted to a mere fraction of this earth.
This earth from which we all have evolved.
This earth where all of it's people are downtrodden.
Downtrodden by those who stand to prosper from exploitation.
Downtrodden by those whose slime infests your minds.
Evolved as one- Napalm Death!

I had no idea they knew my dad when I first herd that in like 87 or so. His visit brought this on.........
It is my parents that taught me to hate them. I resisted my brainwashing and lived a punished youth for it. I was told everything I think , do , am, is wrong and little boys don`t do that. Kept away from girls and girl activities. Therapists said I didn`t spend enough time with boys to know how to be one.
Nobody ever gave a shit what I had to say. I was too young to know whats good for me.
That fucker is so blind and oblivios to anything outside of his brainwashing. My mom was too. Oh they loved the things I said when I was young. Made me look really smart and would let everyone know what I said so they can admire "him" for having a smart child. My parents veiws on parenting was all about how we made them look. I never asked for anyones "low I.Q." bigoted opinions anyway.

I am so frustraighted to see people accept there brainwashing as the way it must be. Common sence tells me we are in servitude to our masters. I am because this is the reality the people around me have been taught to accet as the only way. They think "human nature" will not allow it. How would anyone know that? Human nature or other words " lack of domestically branwashed human" is all about unconditional love for all and everything.
Our subconscious is constantly telling us we are way out of wack. ( Or, cemical imbalance in the brain causing depression) and wants to see preservation, love, and health. Sounds good to me. Oh wait the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ thing will not let it happen.  So if you are for monitery nature than you cannot know what human nature is. Monitary nature is being brainwashed to think everything outside of yourself. Then you are easy to control. Mythical based religions, propaganda to convince you we need prohibition, laws, wars, borders, governments, order ( on that scale) , and that you need toxic poisons to be healthy. All I have ever seen is degridation from this kind  of brainwashing and nature. It does make those doing the brainwashing own fucking everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can clearly see why it is happening.
At least I see people that cannot see like I do but do hear there suconscious talking to them and try to do the best they can with the energy they have to not be so distructive. I admire them with there carts full of organic whole foods and superfoods. They are people that are starting to let there instincts guide them instead of order and evolution must be pist and is installing a lot more "Bull Shit " meters in people. When I see people taking care of the cells there sole hosts (and is borrowing and has conscious controll over it) I feel they must know that that body was not given to them to abuse and use to destroy. We are so capable of bring and abundance of life around us through love and balance we could double our population and feed everyone very healthy. We are a family , I cannot see the point of borders and all the segragation. Being governed by our instincts and the laws of nature might work since this order , borders, segrigation thing doesn`t. A world government would be absolute death to everything. Do not ever accept any kind of new currancy. I was born without $ why do we honor our masters with such respct to there system of $$$$ and wars.

 Nothing much is happening today that I did not fear when I was 10. only did not have the fine details back then.
One day if I am bugged to talk about my optomystic future sight based on balance I will. But I see it as irrelivant and going to happen anyway. If peeople resist the new age the transition will have tramendious terbulance. ( That means suffering and deaths). I hope they wake up. I will not be able to handle the anxiety. I`m talking unanimous degridation of cells on earth "death".

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Love is so much power. It makes us do things we would not do otherwise. Imagine where we would be as matter in the universe if all bad feelings of people was replaced with pitty and only left room for love after that. That would be some positive energy sending out cosmic vibrations.

When i feel love I feel my possibilities are endless. Without it I feel like dieing. I see many people caring about the planet in a way that they care what is going to happen to them. That is self centered thought and fare from love. People of the world do not love much outside themselves or even love themselves for that matter.

Life as we see it today is dieing all around us. Life is consciousness and consciousness is full of very bad feelings and wants to die. life cannot compeat with 6 billion negative self centered thinkers and sees no hope at this point.

If people do not learn to show unconditional love for the entire univeres and all that is then it will all die. People need to love it so much they would die to let it live.

This will never happen with religions saying the earth is ours to do and use as we wish, with governments and borders segragating people into hostile groups, and the drive for monitary gain drive people into thinking only for themselves.

People refuse to look at where their meet comes from because they know they will stop eating it from the atrocities and torchrous life the animals must go through. The negative energy the animals go through ( torcher, sickness, pain, sores and cancerous growth, living live in a cage so small they cannot turn around, chaining them up when they freeze to the side of  shipping trucks and ripping them out with a forklift. then hittin them in the head because they will not shut up from the pain they are in.) Everything suffers for mans luxsuries. people have a group psycosis that they tell each other ," it`s ok, it`s just how things have to be, meat would cost too much any other way".

That is one example of 1,000s. I constantly have to fight anxiety from my visions of balance on the world. I wish people would here me or anyone else saying the same thing I am.
What goes arround comes around . soon people will live in that kind of servitude and torcher. constantly sick, inprisoned, torchered and every aspect of their lives compleatly under the control of their owners.

The heavy lack of love is making a hell on earth that those who have the money today will control. They are not nice. They also know about the energy I`m talking about. They made sure the neg energy would be dominent so there would be a hell on earth they control instead of a heavan on earth that leaves them in the gutters from there greed.
 They are hate and the people are there followers except one. I am love and have one follower ( or listener) I am not a leader of anykind I only advise then follow you after that. After over 3000 years of teaching people to hate it would only take a moments thought of love to crush it all. Because loves power in cosmic vibrations is far supirior to hate and get things done in unmeasurable time. Love is motivation to do good.

I love mother our creator so much I am willing to die for her to live and you should too.
This picture is me saying many things to you. look carefully.
Love ya,

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Balance! 2 sides 2 everything!!!!

It is in everything I see ( well not balance) 2 side to everything. In everything! Many small triangles can be put together to make objects appear to have depth and three dimensional illusions. They are all just objects that look like they have many sides to them and complex structures. Look deeper, all those  objects are mini triangles that can be configured to look like anything with energy but take away the energy and they lay as a flat plate with 2 sides.
 Everything can be broken down to 2 sides. If you can only find the one of something then, the other is hidden. Balance in the universe will not allow it otherwise. If you find more than one side than you have not broken it down and analyzed the energy holding it up yet.

Everything in the balance of the universe seems to be constantly swaying forward and back like tides and waves trying to find it`s steady place where it is content. The sway calms it`s energy each time like it`s loosing energy with each one. Throw a golf ball in a bath tub. What happened? It calmed down and relaxed! ( eventually stopped moving without energy)
Conscious thought is the energy that makes these objects have there shapes and dimensions.

Nature gave me a most horrific birth. A life in a body that does not belong to me. That is why I am fortunate enough to live in a time we can fix this birth given pain. Thank her she tries for balance in everything. She gave me the ability to see inside my subconscious and seek , find and turn down the pain. But I did not know that till I rid my diet of corporate toxins. They where blocking me from this.

The world is so far out of balance right now that it is going to do exactly what everything out of balance does. Our societies, oceans, land, air, plant life, color, beauty, will all fall down. Science, education, technology, preying to god, laws, wars, green technology, cannot stop it.

Those responsible and that own everything right now know exactly what I am talking about. They have worked for over 3000 years within themselves only to eradicate any civilization That did not accept there religions of false Prophets and mixed metaphors of mythicalism. These religions and new governments that they installed in there place remove the people as far from nature and there instincts as they can so they can control them with monetary need. civilisations of people could not read into there subconscious as well anymore and see how to guide themselves and communities. This new system gave power to those who started it because they owned the currency.  They kept the people in servitude with entertainment after the killing and raping was over. 3000 years later they have turned all the balance in their favor and nothing left for nature. ( we are nature) This removal from our natural selves and environment brings negative feelings ( energy) All the hate, anger, frustration, only made them stronger. They thrive and gain there power from negative energy and try to spread it everywhere for global control. They are not brilliant just riding in a wagon and all they have to do is jump start negative energy and it works for then. The opposite energy would reverse there power away from them.

Love, equality, happiness, laughter, smiling,  Is the chain reaction of conscious though that will set off a changed world. Too many people to change to time will make this happen. It`s balance.

  So she is pist. And is a narcissist too. Nature likes to have all the power of the universe and not give it away. I am on her side. She has been doing this universe thing a lot linger than 3000 years anyway. She said everything she wanted to say to us before we where born. You just have to clear your body of unnatural and listen to it. She will not allow the others to just take her so far out of balance. It will backfire on them.

How do you like your servitude? In a republic where you have to pay for it yourself or in a dictatorship where they pay for it for you? Neither is freedom.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Latest thoughts of why!!!!!!

First off my drunk friend just text me," what if they made scratch and sniff pictures"? LMAO

That text is a good start to what I`m getting at.
ENERGY! Conscious energy! I see it in everything. Conscious energy does not need to be life to exsist. It needs conscious life to be reality. ( The universe really does not exsist if consciousness is not here to make it)

  When someone decided  that it is a possible future reality to talk to each other on mobile hand held boxes across the world from each other is when the energy was made. As the idea grew it bacame reality. Just like all the amazing inventions that happend over the last 100 years. Everything was made reality out of energy. It is always expanding with the universe.

 Atomic matter:
The atom is less than 2% matter. The rest is vacume. This makes the possibilities endless. We are the species we invisioned ourselves to be when we where the single cell in the ocean that had such a will to live it split in half and sent all its atributes with it and what it wants to be. 4.5 billoin years later and you have all we are today.
Now advise from my subconscious, ( I never seem to take it myself)
Negative thoughts, hate, rage, anger, war, borders, segrigation, racizm, bigotry, famin, death, seems to be the norm through the civilisations that where taken over and forced todays organized religions in just over the last 3000 years.

 I see a paturn of this everywhere ancient thriving civilizations where wiped out. The bible religions seem to take over and keep people from knowing how to keep there civilizations in sinc with nature. It is a patturn that shows me that everywherr these civilizations where thriving hapily and healthy also looked at everything they see, taste, smell, touch, hear, has so much meaning and godly powers. They respected and studied everything around them. They where very in touch with nature and there surroundings. And most importantly the respected and honored at the top of there civilizations the very people the bible says to stone and burn at the stake.
 These highly respected ancients where bgorn with a war between there mind and body. A most unberible pain to live with. Nature has balance everywhere and would not cruely throw them into the world without a coping mechanizm. With this coping mechanizm they could turn off pain from inside the mind, see embalance in the civilization, fight with fearless drive and coorditation.
 The birth defect comes from high anxiety in the mother early on in the womb.  Civilizations in high stress will have many born .  low stressed civilizations had very little. Still the same today however they have no idea what they can do. To far blocked from toxic food, bigoted environment, and a cosiety so far out of sinc with nature I go through at least 3 days of severe anxiety from going that deep into my mind from my knowladge of the suffering world I live in. But I do see all the embalance in there. I feel suffering from thousands of years energy that want vangance on the evil that tricked and oppressed them.
 We live in a negative world that is compleatly out of balance. (I`ll go into datail on that later days) But it is going to crack, break, fall, as everything out of balance does.
The energy has been creating a hell on earth gradually over 3000 years. I blame the religious bible pushing orginazations for our stress cancerous dying world.
Only happyness, laughter, smiles, hugs, love, equality, and listing to advise from brain freaks like me is the only way we will make a heaven on earth. I already is. the forests arrent dead yet, There is still life in the ocean, and I would have killed myself with my future visions if I did not see the eventual heavenly outcome.
Advise!!!!!!! Love yourself first!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ignorant narsasistic bastards

I had to start a place to write. Been going to the church. Not because I need to releave myself from guilt but to analize the words of my sworn enemy. All those who appose all you can see, taste, smell , touch, hear, as creation, and give credit to there atributes outside themselves.
Today the testosterone driven narsasist started by convincing everyone all of us there are better than athiests. Aperantly athiests do not care how they live because they have no fear of god. If you are not a moron you know this is nothing more than bigotry and there are plenty of atrocities people with the fear in god in them have commited. I watch the bigots sit there nodding there heads with smiles in agreement that they are better than others. Most the others are surching for guidance. For them I pitty there weak minds and want to help them. I even see the pain in people and know the answers sometimes they are looking for but I know they do not want the real answers.
 All I saw was testosterone getting off on people looking up at "IT". Oh and god needs a tone of money. I am woman and an antichrist!