First off my drunk friend just text me," what if they made scratch and sniff pictures"? LMAO
That text is a good start to what I`m getting at.
ENERGY! Conscious energy! I see it in everything. Conscious energy does not need to be life to exsist. It needs conscious life to be reality. ( The universe really does not exsist if consciousness is not here to make it)
When someone decided that it is a possible future reality to talk to each other on mobile hand held boxes across the world from each other is when the energy was made. As the idea grew it bacame reality. Just like all the amazing inventions that happend over the last 100 years. Everything was made reality out of energy. It is always expanding with the universe.
Atomic matter:
The atom is less than 2% matter. The rest is vacume. This makes the possibilities endless. We are the species we invisioned ourselves to be when we where the single cell in the ocean that had such a will to live it split in half and sent all its atributes with it and what it wants to be. 4.5 billoin years later and you have all we are today.
Now advise from my subconscious, ( I never seem to take it myself)
Negative thoughts, hate, rage, anger, war, borders, segrigation, racizm, bigotry, famin, death, seems to be the norm through the civilisations that where taken over and forced todays organized religions in just over the last 3000 years.
I see a paturn of this everywhere ancient thriving civilizations where wiped out. The bible religions seem to take over and keep people from knowing how to keep there civilizations in sinc with nature. It is a patturn that shows me that everywherr these civilizations where thriving hapily and healthy also looked at everything they see, taste, smell, touch, hear, has so much meaning and godly powers. They respected and studied everything around them. They where very in touch with nature and there surroundings. And most importantly the respected and honored at the top of there civilizations the very people the bible says to stone and burn at the stake.
These highly respected ancients where bgorn with a war between there mind and body. A most unberible pain to live with. Nature has balance everywhere and would not cruely throw them into the world without a coping mechanizm. With this coping mechanizm they could turn off pain from inside the mind, see embalance in the civilization, fight with fearless drive and coorditation.
The birth defect comes from high anxiety in the mother early on in the womb. Civilizations in high stress will have many born . low stressed civilizations had very little. Still the same today however they have no idea what they can do. To far blocked from toxic food, bigoted environment, and a cosiety so far out of sinc with nature I go through at least 3 days of severe anxiety from going that deep into my mind from my knowladge of the suffering world I live in. But I do see all the embalance in there. I feel suffering from thousands of years energy that want vangance on the evil that tricked and oppressed them.
We live in a negative world that is compleatly out of balance. (I`ll go into datail on that later days) But it is going to crack, break, fall, as everything out of balance does.
The energy has been creating a hell on earth gradually over 3000 years. I blame the religious bible pushing orginazations for our stress cancerous dying world.
Only happyness, laughter, smiles, hugs, love, equality, and listing to advise from brain freaks like me is the only way we will make a heaven on earth. I already is. the forests arrent dead yet, There is still life in the ocean, and I would have killed myself with my future visions if I did not see the eventual heavenly outcome.
Advise!!!!!!! Love yourself first!
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