Everything can be broken down to 2 sides. If you can only find the one of something then, the other is hidden. Balance in the universe will not allow it otherwise. If you find more than one side than you have not broken it down and analyzed the energy holding it up yet.
Everything in the balance of the universe seems to be constantly swaying forward and back like tides and waves trying to find it`s steady place where it is content. The sway calms it`s energy each time like it`s loosing energy with each one. Throw a golf ball in a bath tub. What happened? It calmed down and relaxed! ( eventually stopped moving without energy)
Conscious thought is the energy that makes these objects have there shapes and dimensions.
Nature gave me a most horrific birth. A life in a body that does not belong to me. That is why I am fortunate enough to live in a time we can fix this birth given pain. Thank her she tries for balance in everything. She gave me the ability to see inside my subconscious and seek , find and turn down the pain. But I did not know that till I rid my diet of corporate toxins. They where blocking me from this.
The world is so far out of balance right now that it is going to do exactly what everything out of balance does. Our societies, oceans, land, air, plant life, color, beauty, will all fall down. Science, education, technology, preying to god, laws, wars, green technology, cannot stop it.
Those responsible and that own everything right now know exactly what I am talking about. They have worked for over 3000 years within themselves only to eradicate any civilization That did not accept there religions of false Prophets and mixed metaphors of mythicalism. These religions and new governments that they installed in there place remove the people as far from nature and there instincts as they can so they can control them with monetary need. civilisations of people could not read into there subconscious as well anymore and see how to guide themselves and communities. This new system gave power to those who started it because they owned the currency. They kept the people in servitude with entertainment after the killing and raping was over. 3000 years later they have turned all the balance in their favor and nothing left for nature. ( we are nature) This removal from our natural selves and environment brings negative feelings ( energy) All the hate, anger, frustration, only made them stronger. They thrive and gain there power from negative energy and try to spread it everywhere for global control. They are not brilliant just riding in a wagon and all they have to do is jump start negative energy and it works for then. The opposite energy would reverse there power away from them.
Love, equality, happiness, laughter, smiling, Is the chain reaction of conscious though that will set off a changed world. Too many people to change to time will make this happen. It`s balance.
So she is pist. And is a narcissist too. Nature likes to have all the power of the universe and not give it away. I am on her side. She has been doing this universe thing a lot linger than 3000 years anyway. She said everything she wanted to say to us before we where born. You just have to clear your body of unnatural and listen to it. She will not allow the others to just take her so far out of balance. It will backfire on them.
How do you like your servitude? In a republic where you have to pay for it yourself or in a dictatorship where they pay for it for you? Neither is freedom.
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