Sunday, July 3, 2011


Once again! "There is two sides to everything in our universe". How could we ever learn to alude pain without even knowing it was there. We feel pain then look inside ourselves to see what happened and why. You would think with this repiticious cycle of waiting for the pain to look inside ourselves, to look inside befor the pain seems more rational in a socioety that thrives on ration. We need pain to want the opposit of it. As we learn how to alude pain we see a pattern that seems to show up in our conquest. When we are sucsessful it is because we found some path of love to combat it. Love is not pain, fear is. Love does not hurt. Lack of it does.
  Pain can be a perception imbalance. We learn to live a life unatural to us that gives us desires to strive for self gain. The perception that material makes happiness is a lie implanted into those who envy and like to think they are entitaled to what they do not deserve or accept the world is not fare. A sickness I see from perceptual markers placed by a life of television watching.  Now we have celebrity profile/upscale lifestye reality TV ( TMZ, Kardashians, Sex and city)  , internet (Perez Hiltion , TMZ), radio shows ( Howard , people who copy him). Bombardment of entertainment implanting a lifestyle of people they do not know. Drounding in These entertainments I see no way for a person to see themselves until it catches up to them like a door slam to the face. If  insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome everytime then facts tell me we have an insane society.
Maybe we should look inside ourselves before the pain makes us do it.

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