I was born with the ability to see medaphysics and how society is controlled like pets to an elite group. I I started figuring it out very young , like when I was 5 or 7 from tv and how people relate to it. I saw it trying to bombard my thoughts and take me from myself my entire life. I was punished for not giving in, my mother said i was the most frustraghting child because of it. I do not learn well from outside myself, I graduated highschool Its done through repitition and fear.
Once in fear we are looking for a way to avoid what we are in fear of, we have a hard time making correct decissions and are 98% wrong on the decissions we make when we are in fear. When I say "fear" think of it as an umbrella term. Its many things like Anger, frustraightion, judgements, Ego, Ect. Its all low frequencies of fear. Your thoughts do eminate a frequecy and your cells are prone to react to that frequency. If you can understand that then their is no reason to wonder where cancer and other sicknesses comes from. Worry, stress, saddness, low self esteem, ect. If you are occupying your mind , body, spirit complex with those lower frequencies how are you to grow? When in fear , its like thinking with your feet and hands,ready to runor fight, rational thought is at the back. When in growth its because you feel love and give love , you live in the now and now things only get better. In growth you feel geed and think through your heart where your love is. Your descissions are 100% correct in the long run when channeled throught the heart.
If you could own perduction companies, banks, and major coorpoations , and churches, I would think you could corrupt and minipulate the minds of an entire public by keeping them in this "state of fear". Now I'm older and its reality tv and all dramma and fighting and much negativity, movies with truth about the secrets of the universe hidden in fantacy movies to aclimate the mind to see acual reality and the secrets behind how the elite stay at the top and keep others as "slave pets" to surve them and they consume all the energy for themselves and leave people starving and at war. This is acomplished through fear. How did you feel the morning of 9/11/2001? I was in the city that day and embrased many hysterical people who where in increadible fear. In that state of please protect me you can come to them with confidence and tell them anything you want and they will comply and do it. I am of light and told people I love them and its bad but you are ok now, its going to be ok, we are all together here to help eachother. For 2 weeks in NYC it was that way, I felt like all people of the city where family for that time because of the shock and fear. But with media bombardment , fear, and rumors and lies from politics, people fell to being beghind the Nazi like takeover of other nations. Americans became through all the very steps Adulf Hitler took to get Germany behind him. Early 1900s Non Jew Germans where not born evil and where not evil through the whole thing. Many wanted war to end but too many where brainwashed and in fear of comunist terrorists. They where all people who wanted to be safe. Everyone does. The banking cartel elite loaned the money to all sides and brought the energy back to them and put the entire world to war doing it. All through the ancient science of mass mind control. It is a very old scienxce from acient Egypt and beyond. It has been kept withing secret societies of these elite families.
I am their worst enemy. I can read this science in everything and can expose it along with many others just like me. More and more of us are being born. They call us A.D.D. kids and stuff and put us on meds. These meds are to block us of this talant to know better and see the irrelivent waistful ways of scociety and want to change it. It ok to be a free thinker. Its found in music not mainstream. In the mainstream they keep you from the truth in music and give you lovely sugarcoated love songs (ooooh Baby, I love you) so you do not here messages of truth to awaken because much underground is just that. Lots of Rap, hip hop, Jass, Punk, alturnative, goth , satanic death metal, Everything has messages of truth.
Humanity is disconnected from the true inner talants and made pets to follow into a service to self society creating segrigation , differences hated instead of engoyed and by turning the people against others of the same ( like what is done in prison) once turned against each other those who want control can come in and start taking it by choosing whichever side to win by loaning that side more money through lobying, campain, war and curancy, you name it. When we are against eachother blaming the other for our problems we will be reluctant to work together to resolve a compromise, specially when we are in a lower frequency of fear.
Born into a society that bombarded me with , things like, this is how it is, you have to be this way, this is what you are to do, and never told why. I refused all of it and knew what gifts I was born with. Spent some time disconnected from it but stayed very disconnected from all durring that time. I see young children talk about a man who live in the sky that will come save them and clean there mess because they gave themselves to him to be his slave or something. I have not seen anyone clean the mess of anyone else and love doing it so this guy promissing this stuff must be very dominant to also tell them they will suffer and burn if they do not give themselves to him because the god they believe in created suffering and control and torment. I am so glad I was created from a loving creator and all things created are created of the same light. I now see there is truely nothing to fear . Forgive, forget, let go and let light raise your vibration through the dementions of light. That feeling of first falling in love , that first kiss tingling in your toes and the gitty feeling os wanting to laugh it feels so good. You do not need to have someone give that to you anymore because it has been inside us the entire time. We need to find it again and know it has been blocked from us through low frequency messages constantly thrown at us from news media, radio, movies that put you on edge and stories of distress, murder, reality tv and fighting, Celebrity profile media and reality tv to aclimate the public to long for money and see themselves as less and money gives them what they are looking for. ( Lies) In school we are punished from a young age for being an individual, making others laugh is tought as bad. The children that are punished hold onto their spirit, do bad at school and are fun and make people laugh, Most good students have had their spirit destroyed by punishment of being connected to it. In school our natuiral talants are not recognised and our acidemic ability is. Poeple are aclimated to see acidemic level as intelligence. Its not intelligence can also be an inability to learn along with it. Or learn thing some people are intelligent to see as irrelivent so they are called stupid by the masses but these A.D.D kids are the future of our evolution and the higher intelligence of humanity on earth right now.
You know it can be better and it only changes from within yourself, All the external love cannot even mach to a fraction of what you can give yourself from within the self. Your true self and inner superstar tallents have been kept from you. Claim them back, be a weirdo , it ok. Love yourself always you matter so much to us all. The love you came to give is so longed for you will see how we love it when you emiate your love to the world to heal. When we do it together we litterally change the frequency of the entire planet. You have the power within you to know and have the human life experience you want , there is no luck, only what you know will come at you. Think goo thoughts about yourself, know that you are so very important and loved. You hacve it from me and your guilds, I am your guild if you like as well. We are all here to teach eachother and learn from yeachother at the same time. To know is the purest form of ignorance and hults our growth to learn untill we can dump arrigence and start to learn again.
Know that within you is love like you have never imagined, It is everything your light is, be that light and create the world of love you would like to be in. see your thoughts of love maifest to be that of pleasure and happiness. Because our happiness is out devine god given right.
Love Always, AJ,,,,,